Working in partnership to build your vision

From complete application design and build to integrations with APIs. We pride ourselves on developing clean and scalable code using the latest development technologies including Laravel and VueJs

Who we are

Officially founded in 2019 after working together for many years on projects we decided to formalise our offering and bring together our 20 years of development experience together under the brand TwoHundred. Our founders are based in the UK and Denmark and our network of developers and designers operate globally.

We span the entire development lifecycle from initial concept through to development and ongoing maintenance. We work with a network of highly skilled and trusted freelancers and craft the most suitable team on a project basis whilst remaining hands on both with the direction of the project and the code itself.

We are passionate about building sustainable applications using what we consider the best tools available and take pride in every aspect of our work and ultimately helping to deliver our clients’ visions. We believe in working in partnership, so whether you’re an end brand that needs a complete design and build of your web application or you’re an agency who just needs some code support, we would love to hear from you.

“The team at TwoHundred Development give us the peace of mind that or application will be available at all times.”

Jonathan Munday, CEO Activate OnDemand

What we do

Designing, developing and supporting modern web applications with the latest technology

Through years of experience and learning we’ve concentrated our development stack on what we feel gives us the best tools to deliver for our clients.

Project scoping / specification

Not sure where to start? We can help scope and document the specification for your application

Application design

UX, UI and architecture all form critical parts to a successful application.

Laravel development

Our chosen framework for creating robust, scalable and performance driven applications. We have been developing on Laravel since it’s inception and love it.

VueJS development

We were early adopters of the VueJS framework and feel it compliments Laravel perfectly when building out front-end components.

Managed hosting

We provide a complete solution for hosting web applications across reliable and secure infrastructure to ensure maximum performance and uptime.

Support and Maintenance

Building your application is only part of the challenge. Ensuring it is well maintained and supported is something we pride ourselves on.

How we work

A well planned and organised approach is essential to ensure on-time and on-budget delivery of any project. We follow a carefully defined process using a combination of online tools to aid communication and collaboration. Through careful refinement and many successfully delivered projects we feel our process is simple yet helps to ensure our clients understand their responsibilities and ours.

Scoping / Specification

Designed to extract the information of the project and help all stakeholders have the input required. We take this information and turn it into a documented scope so everyone is clear what we are going to deliver.

Project Planning

Defining the project plan is essential so everyone understands what is required when. This is done through creating a critical path to completion with key milestones and deliverables.


If required this phase encompasses creating visual representations of the web application and all key parts either through flat designs or working prototypes. It helps to visualise the UX and highlight any gaps in the functionality requirements.


Using a proven methodology, we build the application. First in a staging environment, then testing and final production once fully tested. We build clean and maintainable code that’s well documented for future development.


Working in partnership with you, we will create a testing plan that’s right for the scale of the project and ensure the platform is as well tested as it can be ahead of launch.

Support and Maintenance

It’s rare applications launch with no bugs at all, so we are always on-hand to fix any issues or provide a comprehensive support service following delivery.

Get in touch